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Duane Anderson

Elenora Riley

Ellie Riley is a certified Pranic Healing Lev 1 instructor and Arhatic Yogi under Master Stephen Co’s tutelage.

Her spiritual path has always guided her to the perfect place at the perfect time. Her journey began 50 years ago leading her through meditative and healing practices including Johrei, E-Therapy and Sensitive Gestalt Massage while maintaining a successful business career. She currently works as a paralegal with a prominent San Francisco law firm and maintains a private Pranic Healing practice using remote and physical healing in her Concord, CA office, where she also teaches. She is, also, the primary caregiver to her soon to be 101-year-old mother.

Her Pranic Healing journey began when she lost her husband of 20 years in an automobile accident in 2003. Ellie’s physical injuries healed, but the loss and grief found her in therapy for deep depression. Prior to her husband’s passing the book “Your Hands Can Heal You” (Master Stephen Co, Dr. Eric Robbins and John Merryman, Simon & Schuster) “fell” into her hands. Hoping to find relief, she re-read the book and signed up for her first course, after which she was able to return to work and to stop the anti-depressants. AND, began healing others. With the Advanced and Pranic Psychotherapy courses, she was able to release the grief and phobia of driving.

In Arhatic Yoga Preparatory course, she found her spiritual path that lead her to her teacher, Grandmaster Choa Kok Sui, and with Pranic Healing, healed an autoimmune ailment, a reoccurrence of breast cancer and other ailments. Now, the physical and emotional support involves also the loving care of her mother, who at 101 is still active and doing well despite heart, blood and cognitive issues.

She says Pranic Healing has not only given her tools for financial security and healing on all levels, it has allowed her the opportunity to fulfill her life’s mission, which she decided at age 14, “to be the best person I could be and help others to feel good.” Besides physical relief for many, a beloved student she mentors says, “Life happens and we can find ourselves on an emotional rollercoaster but you taught me that Pranic Healing/Arhatic Yoga teaches us how to be engaged or not with this rollercoaster and what to do to get off and move forward with good physical, emotional and financial health. Ellie helps people to come home to themselves."

Teaches: Pranic Healing® Level 1

Ellen Morano

Ellen Morano took Pranic Healing in the Philippines with the Founder-Grandmaster Choa Kok Sui in 1993. Since then she has moved to California where she has started multiple Pranic Healing Clinics throughout the San Fernando Valley and a Private Healing Practice.

She is an Associate Certified Pranic Healer and a Certified Pranic Healing Instructor for the US Pranic Healing Center and Master Stephen Co.

Before working as a Full-Time Pranic Healer, Ellen spent 12 years in the Animation Industry as a Production Assistant and as an Overseas Animation Production Coordinator and 6 years in the Finance Field – Accounting Staff of a Printing Shop and Part-time Staff in a Tax Preparation Office.

Teaches: Pranic Healing® Level 1

Eva Skorpikova

Eva Skorpikova, moved from the Czech Republic where she worked as an Administrator, Property Evidence Manager, Editor, Insurance Sales Representative, Founder, Co-owner and General Distributor of Converse Shoes and Sportswear for the Czech Republic.

In 1999 she moved to the USA and graduated from European Massage Therapy and Healing school in Skokie, Illinois because she was always interested in helping others. When doing massages and absorbing other people diseased energies, she started asking how to get rid of it. No one was able to answer the question. After 7 years she decided to change the career and do Real Estate instead.

When Eva received an invitation to Pranic Healing in 2007 and learning more about amazing Pranic Healing techniques, she fell in love with Pranic Healing. It was so helpful for everyone around, especially family and clients, it was completely life-changing.

Eva became a Pranic Healing Instructor in 2011 and started teaching Pranic Healing Level 1 and 2 in English and Czech language in Chicago area, and in 2013 she started teaching Pranic Healing Level 1 in the Czech Republic.

Working full time privately as a Pranic Healer and Massage Therapist she also offers Free Healing Clinics, Meditation on Twin Hearts, consultation and Arhatic Yoga. She has been doing so for more than 9 years in Westchester and Mt.Prospect. She also helps with charitable work in the Chicago area.

Eva loves nature, animals, trees, flowers, sun, beach, and the ocean. She also loves to read books, watch movies, loves to learn new things. Eva used to sing with bands for 30 years and recently sings 4 times a year with Cymbal Band.

Eva's daughter lives with her husband and 3 children in Florida and loves to see them as much as possible. She also has a brother in the Czech Republic.

Teaches: Pranic Healing® Level 1 and Advanced Pranic Healing

Felisha Beverly

Felisha opened a Holistic Practice after embarking on her own amazing journey of transformation and healing. A creative dreamer since birth, Felisha has been interested in Holistic Therapies from an early age. Her sessions are refreshingly unique and unconventional in format. She really utilizes all the tools in her possession to give the best of herself to her clients. The benefits from her work have a long lasting effect and the powerful nature of her healing abilities bring light and hope into the lives of those she touches.

Felisha was born in the Appalachian Mountains and graduated from the New England Institute of Hypnotherapy, and expanding on that she completed HypnoBirthing Training at the Leidecker Institute and is certified to teach HypnoBirthing Childbirth Education Classes to help facilitate gentle birthing. Felisha attended Morehead State University and Kettering College of Medical Arts and has an extensive background with Equine and Animal Science.
She attended and still attends many classes through the Institute of Asian Studies. She has also been trained in various Ayurvedic Therapies including Snehan-Warm oil massage, Nadi Swed-Steam therapy, Shirdhara, and is a NCTMB (National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork) Approved Provider for Continuing Education. She offers specialized treatments such as Nasya Sinus treatment and Ear treatments with combination therapy. Felisha has a degree in Applied Science with an emphasis in Integrative Medical Massage Therapy from Sinclair Community College and SHI Integrated Massage and Traditional Chinese Acupuncture School. She has been trained in Swedish, Cranial Sacral I, Muscle Energy Techniques I, Polarity Therapy, Integrative Myoneural Therapy, Face-Lift Massage, NLP and more.

Felisha started teaching Pranic Healing in July of 2013. Her favorite subjects are energy healing, angels and manifesting. Her goals are to inspire the lives of all that she comes in contact with and assist the other healers of the world in shifting the consciousness of mankind into a more positive awareness. She is launching her own school in January 2019 called Faith Miracles Believe Massage School for Healers to pass on all that she has learned through her own healing practice of almost two decades and over 4000 clients and students.

Teaches: Pranic Healing® Level 1

Gayle Nelson

Teaches: Pranic Healing® Level 1

Grace Chamrernlaksa

Teaches: Pranic Healing® Level 1


Teaches: Pranic Healing® Level 1

Gretchen Bignolet
