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  • Learn to Meditate for Stress Release and Emotional Healing

    Start Date: 12/02/2021 - 9:00am
    End Date: 12/02/2021 - 10:00am
    Instructor: Harsha Golla
    Event Email:

    Market is flooded with millions of meditations. People perceive meditation as relaxation process. If we know what exactly it is, Why we have to do it, & A strategic way to do it, Meditation can become a greater tool to heal your body, help us cope-up with emotions & facilitate spiritual growth.

    Here are your take-aways from this 2 hours packed session:

    • Under the Laws of Life Force Deepen your understanding about Meditation
    • Practice a Simple Guided meditation to develop Love & Compassion


    • Better Mental Clarity Emotional Healing by facilitating release of toxic emotions
    • Building Positive Traits leading Wholesome life Inner Peace and Joy Heightened Intuition
    • Greater ability to handle stress
    • Energy and Inner Strength To Know your Self!

    Zoom link will be shared with you once you are registered.

    Post this experential workshop, you can Experience 7 Week Healing Journey with Harsha to continue to have more energy, for better spiritual connection & mental clarity. Click here to set up your 7 week Journey