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  • MCKS Advanced Pranic Healing ® Level II

    School of Holistic Touch , 302 S. Milliken Ave., Ontario, CA , United States
    Start Date: 05/03/2025 - 9:00am
    End Date: 05/04/2025 - 6:00pm
    Instructor: kei okubo
    Event Email:

    9am-6pm both days.

    ADVANCED PRANIC HEALING® is a specialized workshop for those who wish to become more effective healers.

    In ADVANCED PRANIC HEALING®, you will learn how to utilize color prana for quicker, more effective healing results. Colored prana creates a more focused effect on the energy field and the chakras.

    Here are some of the other skills taught in ADVANCED PRANIC HEALING®:

    Advanced color healing: You'll learn to use the right proportion, color combinations and degree of hue of colored prana.

    Advanced scanning: You'll learn to interpret and assess more quickly and effectively the correction of imbalances in the energy field patterns.

    Powerful specialized healing techniques: You'll learn Rapid Healing of Wounds,Cellular Regeneration, Cleansing of the Internal Organs, Cleansing of the Blood and other techniques to boost the immune system.

    High-level energetic methods of enhancing the body's innate healing ability: You'll learn techniques for working on AIDS, cancer, stroke, diabetes, kundalini syndrome (a state in which the aura is over-energized due to meditation or other excessive energy-development practices) and other severe ailments.

    Instructive healing: You'll learn to help accelerate healing and recovery by influencing and reprogramming the consciousness of diseased cells and organs.

    And much more...

    Prerequisites: MCKS Pranic Healing® Level 1


    • In addition to the curriculum, class discussions for this course are designed to incorporate color pranas within your daily life at home and work.

    • This is a weekend Advanced Pranic Healing class, 9am to 6pm.

    • Pre-registration by Monday, April 28th is necessary for school planning purposes 909-937-2055.

    • Depending on the California Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education (BPPE) masks, seating distances may be necessary.

    • Please arrive by 8:45 AM to complete the final check-in form for your certificate.

    • Parking is free on the front and sides of the parking lot.

    • Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider #15465, 17 Contact Hours, No Partial Credits.

    • There is an one-hour no host lunch. Snacks and lunch are permissable at the venue, please bring your food in a cooler.

    • After your online registration is completed, additional information about this class will be sent to your email about one week before your class, please check your "spam" folder.

    • Free Preview of Self Pranic Healing "Your Hands Can Heal You" In-Person and on Zoom is scheduled 6 to 8:30 PM on Fridays, March 8 and April 12, please kindly register at "events" and see the Zoom ID/PC at

    • The textbook for the class is recommended and the English version is available at the School of Holistic Health, "store," Kindle, Ibooks, Nook.

    • Review students please email a picture of your Advanced Pranic Healing certificate to by Friday, March 18, 2024. Thank you.