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  • Combo: Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul & Kriyashakti (July)

    Start Date: 05/03/2025 - 9:00am
    End Date: 07/13/2025 - 6:00pm
    Instructor: Master Stephen Co
    Event Email:

    REGISTER FOR BOTH: MCKS Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul and MCKS Kriyashakti

    May 3-4th, 9am-5pm Pacific Time ONLINE: Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul with Chandan Parameswara

    July 12-13th, 9am-6pm Irvine Marriott Irvine, CA: Kriyashakti with Master Stephen Co

    NOTE: The Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul is a prerequisite to Kriyashakti. If you are unable to attend the Achieving Oneness Course, you will not be able to attend Kriyashakti and your registration will be cancelled. 

    Pre-reqs for Kriyashakti are Pranic Healing Level 1, Advanced Pranic Healing, Pranic Psychotherapy, and Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul or Arhatic Yoga Prep.

    Registration closes Wed, April 30th at 11:59pm PST.


    More on Kriyashakti with Master Co on July 12-13th:

    Material abundance gives you freedom to pursue spiritual goals. Kriya$hakti teaches you how to properly harness the power of your thoughts, subtle energies and your auric field to create a life of prosperity and success both materially as well as spiritually.


    •     Inner Kriya$hakti. Learn at least 7 effective ways of Creating Powerful Thought Forms. Thought Forms act as your psychic assistants in the energy world to pave a way for manifesting what you want in the material world. Thought Forms have been called "genies" in ancient times.
    •     Prosperity Meditations. Designed to purge old lingering negative programming from childhood and simultaneously build a network of powerful Thought Forms, interlaced into your aura, to continuously attract prosperity and wealth, even as you sleep - The Real Midas Touch!
    •     Harness the Power of the Spoken Word to accelerate the manifestation of your thoughts and wishes!
    •     Use Secret Hand Gestures (mudras) and Eye Positions known only to high level magicians of ancient times to make thoughts physicalize faster.
    •     Learn a critical mudra NOT to use as this dematerializes your Thought Forms! Many spiritual practitioners are suffering unnecessarily because this teaching has not been available to them. Learn this priceless secret!
    •     Use the Blue Triangle to trap and destroy negative Thought Forms and effects of psychic attacks.
    •     Learn to harness the power of money and abundance to accelerate your spiritual development! This is indeed a priceless teaching that will assist many spiritual practitioners!
    •     Practice a special "Concretizing Meditation" to quickly and systematically precipitate a thought or idea into physical form. This has been used by multimillionaires and heads of great organizations to achieve great wealth and massive success. Use it for your projects!
    •     Learn to disintegrate self-sabotaging thought forms, prosperity guilt and poverty consciousness located in critical areas of your aura. Students have experienced immense relief and freedom after this powerful exercise.
    •     Learn the Principle of Moderation and Accumulation used by the Asia's Super Rich to accumulate & retain wealth for generations.
    •     The Science of Tithing and Entitlement. Know where to give first and where to give last. The sequence allows you systematically create your own good luck. Learn a simple technique to Generate Prosperous Karma to entitle you to Prosperity and Abundance.
    •     Locate and Activate your Pro$perity Chakra and be more practical and grounded. This also makes you more magnetic to Pro$perity and Success Energies.
    •     You will be guided in many experiments to prove to yourself the efficacy of the teachings.
    •     Plus much more...

    Prerequisites: Pranic Healing® Level 1, Advanced Pranic Healing®, Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul®, or Arhatic Yoga Prep®


    More on Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul with Chandan Parameswara on May 3-4th:


    Ancient meditations, kept secret for centuries, will be revealed and taught to the public for the first time. These techniques allow you to accelerate the Union of your incarnated soul (often described as the personality or lower self) with your Higher Soul (Higher Self). This phenomenon is known as "Soul-Realization", "Enlightenment" or "Self-Realization".

    The Higher Soul is a seed of God's Divinity within all of us.

    Through the Higher Soul, we are made in the Image of God!

    Being One with our Higher Soul, we become One with the "I AM", the Christ, the Buddha, the Shiva, the Krishna Nature within all of us...
    Learn the Inner Secrets
    of: the Blue Pearl, the 12th Chakra, the Medical Caduceus to Raise the Kundalini Shakti, the Silver Cords...

    •     Learn to experience Peace, Calmness and Clarity in the midst of a busy and chaotic work/home environment
    •     Invite your loved one to meditate together and experience Spiritual Intimacy and reignite your love for each other
    •     Learn how to release old emotional baggage and create positive changes in all your relationships
    •     Use Words of Power (mantras) to quickly achieve Inner Stillness
    •     Experience "Coming Home and Being One with All"
    •     Experience the unique state of Total Peace and Expansion of Consciousness and Awareness within minutes of meditation.
    •     Discover the Nature of Your Soul and its journey through timeless incarnations.
    •     Learn how your Soul chooses your parents and place of birth
    •     Know the exact location of the 12th Chakra and its function
    •     Experience the Inner Light and Intense Bliss of the "Blue Pearl" or the "Seed of Consciousness" within you.
    •     Learn the existence of energetic seeds in your auric field and how they affect your Spiritual, Mental, Emotional and Physical lives. These "energetic DNA recorders" contain the "blueprints" for the formation of your subtle and physical bodies.
    •     Increase the size of the "communication cable" between your Higher Soul and incarnated soul. This is seen in religious pictures as a shaft of light coming down to an illuminated halo. It is also depicted as the "Descent of the Holy Spirit" in Christian terminology.
    •     Experience your Soul in everyday life.
    •     Discover Secrets of your 3 Silver Cords, Inner Caduceus and how it is related to Safely Awakening the Kundalini Shakti
    • Plus much more...