Wesak is a unique and powerful spiritual event that only occurs once a year. This is regarded as the most powerful Full Moon of the year, and it shouldn't be missed!
It is a time of great opportunity for us as spiritual seekers to actively participate in a sacred event that showers Mother Earth and all of her inhabitants with an immense amount of energy and blessings. As we bless the Earth, we too are immersed in that downpour of Divine Energy.
In Eastern Traditions, Wesak also marks the anniversary of the Lord Buddha's Birth, attainment of enlightenment and physical death.
During the Wesak Festival, the Teachings of the Lord Buddha are shared. The focus is on the teachings of the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path. Regardless of one’s faith, these teachings serve as a reminder of our Divine Nature and the impermanence of the physical world. These teachings guide us through relevant applications into our daily lives. Learning to better deal with everyday issues and at the same time strive for greater Spiritual Heights is critical for anyone on the spiritual path!
Finally, to help us be of better service during the Wesak Meditation, we focus on self-purification. We take the time to work on each other and remove negative thoughts, negative emotions and any energies that might hinder us from fully benefiting from this Sacred Event.
The Wesak Festival is an annual opportunity for our souls to participate in global meditation with our spiritual brothers and sisters. It gives us the chance to do Purification, be of Service and experience greater Spiritual Development that not only helps us, but also the greater global community.